onnetsu therapy

Company Information

Young Cho, Director of US Onnetsu Therapy Center has studied the Onnetsu therapy method at Haheonju Onnetsu Health Science in South Korea for 2 years and also had practical experiences for a long time at Therming Holistic Therapy in Ryukyu, Japan.

He then established and operated Onnetsu Therapy Center in NSW Australia for 8 years and on going, accumulating a large number of testimonials and experiences in thermo therapy.

Purified Blood
Purified Blood flow
Restores body health from within

Young established the US Onnetsu Therapy Center here in Georgia on April 2013 and had been working in partnership with Whole Care Medical. Since then he has been expanding and spreading the Onnetsu therapy method to more and more people with health issues and helping them regain their full health.

At US Onnetsu Therapy Center we focus on measures to help with the self maintenance and healing of our bodies through complete medical methods that promote the body's health and prevent any onset of diseases.

These methods include medical equipment developments as well as developing a number of ways to improve dietary habit and restoring the heat inside our bodies. We thrive and put in our best efforts to make sure that we provide and help everyone's body into full recovery that shows real results.


Letter from the CEO

I would like to thank everyone who has given their love and support for our Onnetsu therapy center.

As you know if we loose our health, we loose everything.
People in these times live so busily and without rest that they don't have much time looking after themselves.

While we chase our daily lives and work, we forget about how our lives are being impacted and degraded by the strain, stress and imbalanced diet/lifestyle.
How do we restore our precious health back to it's peak state?

Our bodies slowly loose heat as we tire and exhaust which impedes our general well-being and loosens our defense against onset of diseases and illnesses. By restoring the heat that our bodies have lost we can restore our blood circulation, hormones and the autonomic nervous system back to it's absolute healthy state.

Most importantly we can maintain and enjoy that healthy and active lifestyle so that we can prevent diseases from ever ailing our bodies. Early detection and treatment of diseases and illnesses are very important.