onnetsu therapy


I would like to thank everyone who has given their love and support for our Onnetsu therapy center.

As you know if we loose our health, we loose everything.

People in these times live so busily and without rest that they don't have much time looking after themselves. While we chase our daily lives and work, we forget about how our lives are being impacted and degraded by the strain, stress and imbalanced diet/lifestyle.

Young Cho


onnetsu therapy


Interested in learning Basic & Intermediate Course?

We are currently enrolling new students for our Basics course! Anyone can learn the Onnetsu heat therapy

method and are greatly recommended to do so as students will learn the theology behind Onnetsu heat therapy

method with hands on practices and in-depth experience of how it's done.

This education focuses on understanding the body's natural defense system and the methods performed on

therapeutic points relating to the type of illness.


When :

1. Basic Course : March 23 2024 (Sunday 10 am-6 pm:8 hrs)

Basic Course Fee : $300.00

2. Intermediate Course : March 24 2025 (Monday 10 am-6 pm:8 hrs)

Intermediate Course Fee : $300.00

Total : $600.00


Training location : 3296 Summit Ridge Pkwy # 420, Duluth GA 30096

Instructor : Young Cho


onnetsu therapy


onnetsu therapy
